These are to die for and will make you go for seconds! Follow @waytohealthkitchen for more delicious recipes and healing tips ❤️🙏🏻
For the sauce I used milk from @whatiffoods i’ve been obsessed with recently! It tastes amazing, like nothing I’ve tried before and it is so creamy! Ingredients are phenomenal and clean (BAMnuts, water and coconut oil- as you know I wouldn’t do it other way) and have amazing 5g of protein. What I love even more about them is how much they think of our 🌎- the regenerative and innovative practices they use with a core value to “give back more than we take away”. That’s how they came up with utilizing Bambara ground nut- nutritious and delicious legume that needs minimal water and other resources to grow, and additionally BAMnuts leave the soil even more nutrient- dense! Mind- blowing!
🌱 1/2 yellow onion, sliced
🌱 1/2 red onion, sliced
🌱 4 garlic cloves, minced
🌱 2 cups @whatiffoods BAMnut milk
🌱 2 cups low sodium vegetable broth
🌱 1 1/2 cups cashews
🌱 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
🌱 1 tbsp cassava flour (optional)
🌱 Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste
🌱 3 1/2 lbs organic yellow potatoes
🌱 Chives to garnish
🌱 Lightly sauté onions in a garlic in a bit of oil and remove. Combine sauce ingredients in a blender and blend. Slice potatoes thinly. In a 9×13 casserole dish place 1/2 the amount pf potatoes, pour the sauce over then spread around the onion/ garlic mixture. Add the rest of the potatoes and sauce and bake at 400F for 1h. Add chives and serve.
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#whatiffoods #planetbased #regenration #scallopedpotatoes #holidaymeal #sidedish #healthyrecipes #potatorecipes #creamysauce
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